Monday, December 28, 2009

BuHsaNnYe xDe kLaS..

today Auditing class was postponed AGAIN due to sir's health.. he's got fever.. thats wat our monitor said thru her message this morning.. i thought i'll be happy with her information but..nope.. i don't like replacement classes! n i don't like wasting my time without doing anything.. at least give me a game to play with sir..! huhuuhu..

ok stop bout the classes.. today my status at facebook is : start to see things for the last time.. means, i'll leave this college in counted of days.. yeah, really excited.. i've packed few things which is not important anymore for me to use here such as old notes n books.. hey! is there anyone would like to buy my notes?? especially my taxation books which is incredibly expensive, haha.. i'll sell it for RM 30 only.. hey! its worth ok..since i am very hardworking in writing, u can see lots of useful notes inside the book.. great huh? hehehe.. but its only available after my final exam.. =)

today i am continuously listening to a song titled with 'aku tanpa cintaMu' by Mirwana vs Jayjay..

tanpa cintaku bertapa Kau di sana
aku tanpa cintaMu bagai layang2 terputus talinya...

Saturday, December 19, 2009


waa..sonoknye g bjimba-jimba tadi.. pegi Terminal 1 je,ahah.. motif utama, KAROKE!! mensumbangkan lagu yg ada.. tp adik adeq x nyanyi la plk.. dia malu..suara kitorg sedap sgt kot..hahaha 

mereka d blik karoke

adeq, wani ngan zara

sbnrnye arini (19/12) bday Nurul Ayu Farhanah (Ayu).. so ktorg saje la g T1.. menghappykn diri d tgh kemelut asemen yg maha susah tu.. die tringin mkn burger prosperity, sampai2 je trus g McD..kelaparan je muka masing2,hehe..

x cukup ke dik mntk org sblh plk? haha

Bday gurl,Ayu (kiri) bsama akk angkatnye (k.nani)

min malu2 nk tgk kamera..

masa nak balik tadi, ade la sekumpulan dak laki ni tahan kitorg g kaunter yg dorg bkk dkt ngan dunkin donut.. bdk skolah..wat keje sukarela utk Rakan Muda.. n kitorg yg perasan muda ni g la register as member.. layan je,haha..

amik bas city liner.. x masuk ke dlm plk.. redah jgk.. dgn sdihnye..kami mnapak ke hostel.. isk3..

      lenggang kangkung...

     aku pun! =p


Thursday, December 17, 2009

KaL Ho Naa Ho...

bnyi cam hndustan kn..hehe.. maksudnya.. "Manalah Tau Kalau Tak Ada Hari Esok" Kal tu mknenye esok..
sjak dulu aku slalu tbayang.. kematian yg dtg tiba2..without any sign...

contoh..tgh mkn kat  warung..ade treller besar langgar warung tu.. xpun accident tgh jalan... ade org ltak pisau kt leher ke tiba2... 

masa tu aku slalu tpikir tah sempat ke x aku nak bertaubat...dosa dh la bnyk... nk mntk ampun kat mak lg..kt org2 yg aku pnh umpat tu...dosa kcik,dosa besar....fuh..bnyi mcm xkn msuk syurga je kn aku nih...kriteria mcm cukup je nk tempah tiket ke! i will never allowed it to be happen.. Allah jadikan aku utk  masuk syurga..bjuang utk mnikmati syurga..biarpun tlalu bnyk yg perlu aku tebus dlm hdup yg tggal berapa lgkah saja ni...

kdg2.. aku pnh tpikir.. aku saja makhluk yg akan dihisab di akhirat nnt.. org2 d skelilingku adalah malaikat...dan syaitan...dan kdg2 Allah muncul utk membawa aku pdnya... kn hdup ni mcm tu.. kdg2 kt hanyut...kdg2 ade org yg pimpin kita utk blik ke pgkal jalan...
well my thought...up to me la...=p


Monday, December 14, 2009


perubahan.. sblm habis skolah dulu aku prnh x suka perkataan ni.. mgkin enaz(bestfriend aku mse skolah) still ingat kut.. miss her la.. dia kwn yg baik..memahami aku n slalu mnasihati aku dgn cara yg aku boleh terima..

ni la enaz

mnjadi lebih baik lebih baik dari menjadi yang terbaik.. tu status yang aku tulis kat ym tadi.. sngaja muhasabah diri..takde org yg boleh muhasabah aku kalau aku tak muhasabah diri sendiri kan.. well, im trying to be better..

td xde klas.. dah ada 2 replacement class yg x terganti even sem bru je start.. oh ye, sem ni aku ada kelas malam..selasa dgn khamis..klas taxation.. God, i really hate night classes.. kua je kelas kitorg g amik notes kat cafe.. kne fotostat notes sdri sbb uncle x mng tgn.. waa...1st time pgang mesin fotostat,hehe.. sonok jgk..nnt ble2 nk tlg uncle jaga kdai la.. saje cri pngalaman..

blik umah layan nur kasih..cte pling ngetop wat mse ni.. dulu aku tak bape ske pn cter ni...ye2 je aku canang cter ni x best.. skali melekat gila kut,kan3..


cter ni yg wat aku muhasabah tadi.. nak jadi sebaik nur amina.. tapi mengelak dari mnjadi se confuse dia.. she's really a confused girl.. well, even dia bkn la wanita sempurna.. tapi dia anak dan menantu yg terbaik utk parents dia.. dia sentiasa cuba mndapatkan yang terbaik dgn mnjadi lebih baik..x mngulangi kesilapannya yg lalu.. well, aku tak taksub sgt dgn cter ni.. juz share wat will im gonna do after diz.. BEING BETTER..

haa, baru2 ni dpt hadiah lagi dari...bakal mak mentua (insya-Allah)..hehe.. dia baru balik haji.. 

sonok dpt hadiah.. paling best dpt gelang tu..cantik sgt.. aku pun gila gelang.. nnt ble2 aku update koleksi gelang yg aku ada k.. done for now.. wassalam.. 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nk KeJe oR FurTheR sTuDy..

1st cluz of da very last semester..we've being asked by Mr.Joseph on our planning after graduate.. most of my cluzmate will doing their degree here.. some maybe at overseas,wow.. i juz can dream of it, hehe.. 

in life, making decision of ur own life will be the toughest one, don't u realize it? 

as our country is facing the economic is good for us to further our study.. but i've been thinking of something.. why not if we catch both of it at the same time.. it'll be difficult for us right.. so here i've to think twice.. argh, keep thinking.. 

result??  u better ask  most of my cluzmate.. huh!! tension tgk result..hopeless! but nyway, im still grateful.. syukur alhamdulillah 1 subjek je yg x best, the rest r ok..

final sem.. around 59 days to go to complete my HND.. i can't wait for that day but deep inside my heart.. i know it'll be the most difficult day for me to say goodbye to my friends..especially to my GSB n my housemates..

 will u all face the same feeling?


our favourite word..=) don't forget it..