Sunday, May 2, 2010

how i wish i could turned the time..

after a very long time i never write anything here but believe me i still love to write something in this blog..
news? ak dh keje jd cashier kat cafe UTP.. best keje least aku tak jauh dari kehidupan student ak yg dlu.. i can improve my english as well bcoz most of da customers are foreigners.. malays are also around..handsome2,kacak,cute miut sume ade.. apakan daya,hatiku cuma pd si dia..hehhe..n da best part is all of them call me as 'kakak'.. how i hate that word while i was in ada sorang tu, budak Indonesia..selamba badak je panggil ak makcik.. Grrr... tu je la skali..pastu dia panggil kakak balik..
dan ceritaku pasti jd lg best pasni.. nak tau nape? there's no one there yg tau aku ada HND including my boss, my tauke, my collegue..hak3.. x mcm cite novel ke.. kt situ taraf pendidikan aku la yg paling rendah sekali.. SPM.. can't go anywhere so i got da job..n yeah.. when they talking bout due date, assignment, project, thesis n etc.. dgn sng hatinye aku ikut pndpt n they impressed! hahaha..but i have to ensure my boss wasn't around..or if not, im fired..coz lying to them bout my education background.. well, its all bout money..
susah nk blakon jd org yg ksong.. korg akn jd skit hti ble x blh kluarkn pndpt up to ur standard n expectation.. risau dicekup, so better silent n listen.. my advice is..don't lie from the me,uhuhuhu...

well, got to go..i miss GSB,  miss my past.. miss my bf..n miss to be a student again... c ya!